Counselling Services


Much of the trauma that has remained unresolved is embedded in our somatic and emotional systems. In a safe environment people can complete resolution and access their inherent ability to heal, be resilient and recapture their strengths.

Trauma-informed therapy that accesses our somatic (body) and emotional memories and ways of knowing.  Movement, sound, and visualization can be used to acknowledge inherent strengths and encourage paths to healing and health.  

Therapeutic modalities that might be used:  

  • EMDR

  • CBT

  • Family Constellation

  • Ego State Therapy

  • Expressive Therapies


  • Reform and rebuild current responses to events and challenges in ways that are not driven by our past experiences.

  • Change or reduce the ‘sting’ of past negative memories and negative beliefs.

  • Acknowledge and utilize our strength, wisdom, resiliency and resourcefulness. 

Best for

  • Persons with trauma history

  • Issues of anger, anxiety, phobias

  • Persons wishing to improve goal setting states.




Pro-rated options available upon request.

Pro bono client will be considered upon request.

“Miyotehewin” means “Good Heartedness” in Cree.

It is with a good and open heart that we are able to overcome intense challenges. I welcome each client with Miyotehewin and look forward to the journey you are embarking on.